Helia - Higher Education

Software for online teaching and business management of higher education institutions in all segments

The company ‘Lav kompjuteri d.o.o.’ Šabac, in his own intellectual property, has developed the software for managing higher education institutions in all segments.

The software includes two business entities which are inter-connected, as follows:

  1. Accounting with personnel records and calculation of salaries
  2. Accredited studies consist of several modules inter-connected via operations of students’ affairs department, operations of departments and the library with the college bookshop.
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"Code Book" module

“Code Book” module is data base of employees, students, student centers (if there are several centers), as well as the states (if there are any foreign students). Data are comprehensive and they provide complete records up to the level of automatic printing of diplomas and diploma supplements in Serbian and in English language.

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"Enrollment/Study Programs" module

“Enrollment/Study Programs” module provides data about all accredited study programs and curriculum of study programs per year. Data about enrollment of students and enrollment deadlines, which are automatically connected with prefabricated statistical report on students’ enrollment (in Serbian: ŠV form) and templates of basic agreements stipulated by the higher education institution are entered and processed in this module.

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“Electronic ID/Exams/Grades” module

This module monitors the complete education of a student with all his/her obligations prior to the exam. As a by-product, the automatic electronic student’s book and full dossier is formed. All necessary data about his/her education are available (enrollment date, enrollment of the following academic year, taking exams with the records about taking every single exam as well as the professor and the date of taking exam).

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“Certificate/Diploma Thesis” module

This module provides students automatic printing of certificate about exams passed, upon their request, as well as other kinds of certificates necessary for discharging students’ obligations. Every student, upon completion of studies, is allowed to check the complete dossier and print automatically diploma and related diploma supplement. The module also contains electronic records of personal registry data of students, both of those who are active and of students who have graduated.

“Statistics” module

The module processes statistical data necessary for control of complete operation necessary for the management, such as: Checking of current business operations and meeting of all conditions necessary for accreditation of the institution and accreditation of the study program. Statistics is in multiple layers, and it is made in accordance with regulations of accreditation committee, but also in accordance with practical requirements, that our company has made for the needs of some higher education institutions. There are statistics about taking exams, number of students who took exam, percentage of success at exams and grades at the level of exam term, study program and professor.

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"Evaluation of Teaching Success" module

When registering on the site, students can access the evaluation section, i.e. the questionnaire they fill out. The questionnaire consists of a series of items related to the study program and the year of study they attend. The screen shows the subjects and professors who teach those subjects. By choosing the subject and the professor on the screen, we get a questionnaire consisting of five areas (teaching evaluation, teaching subject, methods of checking knowledge, cooperation and study conditions). By completing this questionnaire, the collected data is analyzed and three groups of reports are obtained (basic statistical reports, analysis of results by teachers and analysis of results by subjects).

“College Book Shop” module

The module processes data about the condition of literature necessary for students and professors. Records are kept automatically, which includes who has the right to borrow literature. If a student has fulfilled his/her financial obligations, he/she gains the right to borrow the literature (e.g. books, mimeographed lecture notes). Considering the fact that this application uses unique code book, search of students and the literature they borrowed is considerably easier.

“Library” module

Total number of books with all necessary searches for easier finding of requested literature is recorded via this module. The module provides records of borrowing and returning of books of students or employees, as well as the time of borrowing books.

                                                                                                      Mass input of JOB (JOB - unique educational number) is enabled.

                                                                                                      It is possible to export data to JISP (JISP - Unique information system of education). 

                                                                                   Sending student data (general data)

                                                                                   Sending student enrollment data

                                                                                   Sending data on completion of studies

All modules, depending on their function and intended purpose, are directly or indirectly connected with financial accounting. If it is defined in financial accounting that the student may not be late with two or three installments, the system will block certification of semester, taking an exam, borrowing of necessary literature or defense of diploma thesis to the student. Therefore, there is no temporary budget of the student in the financial accounting, but directly automatic booking of statements of accounts and classification per accounts.

Parameterization of all modules is flexible, and adjustment is made by person in charge of higher education institution (the head of students’ affairs department, system administrator or the responsible person in charge of that based on job classification).

There is a possibility of agreeing upon project documentation with source code and know-how.

Online lecture

Professors can record video material and upload it to the institution's private YouTube channel. The link for that lecture is stored in the database of the student's affairs department. When users (students) log in to the site, they can only see their lectures, i.e. lectures that have been set for their study program and the year of study they are attending. The same principle is used with electronic documents and books.

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